3 Beginner Tips For Working With A Catering Service

If you have never worked with a catering service before, working with an event catering service can feel overwhelming. If this is your first time planning a catering event, here are some tips to help make the experience more enjoyable and straightforward for you.  

Choose the Service Style 

To start with, you will want to choose the service style you want for your event. The three primary types of service styles are buffet, tray pass, and plated.  

A buffet option is usually one of the most cost-effective catering options. The event staff set up the buffet and restock it but don't have to provide individualized service to each guest. A buffet also gives people the freedom to choose what they want to eat.  

Tray passing is great if you have an event where people will be standing up and moving around. Servers will carry food throughout the event, and people can grab whatever they want to eat.  

Plated service is best if you are hosting a formal event where people will want to sit down or where you have presentations and entertainment planned for your guests.  

Pick a Theme 

Second, it can be really helpful to select a food theme for your event. This will help you choose the right catering company to work with and plan your menu. For example, for a more casual event held in the summer, you can have a BBQ theme, Luau theme, or Mexican fiesta theme. Choose a theme that you think the people attending would enjoy and that fits with enjoyable food to eat at that time of year.  

Offer Multiple Options 

When creating a menu, make sure that you include some vegetarian and vegan options, which are two of the most common types of diets outside of a more meat-dominated diet. Check with your guests and find out if there are any allergies you need to be aware of.  

Allergies are different than food preferences and can be dangerous for an individual if they consume food that has something they are allergic to. You will want to give your catering service a heads up about any potential allergies so they have the time to prepare safe food for all of your guests properly. 

When planning an event that requires catering, think about how you want the food served, choose a food theme, and communicate allergies to the catering service. Choose a catering service that is skilled at the type of food and the food serving method you want for your event.  

Contact a catering service near you to learn more. 
